
A List...Todo Mar 09, 2022 Tags: React Context CI/CD Github-Actions


Another year more projects being created to sharpen one’s skills, as the old saying go, iron sharpens iron (might be a Game of Thrones quote, not sure!). So I originally created a much more simple todo just to show some students over at 100Devs how to use Typescript and making a simple todo app, but then like all things in life…the dreaded feature creep set in and I just kept thinking of things to add to it. Next thing you know I decided to add drag and drop and realized the wormhole I created by doing so.

The end result is what you see, the app is live and you can mess with it over there. As complexity increased I decided to setup a CI/CD pipeline with Github Actions, it’s quickly taken the place of CircleCI and as much as I love CircleCI…yea I think I’m pretty much all onboard with Github Actions. There’s also some containerization going on but I decided against pushing an image to Docker Hub or Github Container Registry.